On behalf of the Town of Clinton Democrats we welcome all registered Democrats in our beautiful country community.
First a word about the Clinton Democratic Committee. We are a grassroots organization committed to preserving our way of life in Clinton and dedicated to sustaining our town’s rural appeal and charm. We strive to ensure that the political process reflects our values and principles in all aspects of Town administration. This includes active support for local, county, state and national candidates who reflect our beliefs.
As of August 2022 Democrats in Clinton number 1143 voters continuing to surpass the combined total of Independence, Conservative, Libertarian, and Republican voters in Clinton. This is due in part to the diligent efforts by our Democratic Committee to register voters in our town.
Despite this progress, we continue working to overcome a longstanding pattern of low voter turnout by Democrats in our Town and across Dutchess County. Every year is an election year and every vote counts. Our Town elections have been decided by a small number of votes. We need your help to prepare for elections and at the polls on election day. Most importantly, we need your vote in every election.
You may find more information about The Clinton Democratic Committee, and your representatives across our website and follow our activities on our Facebook page at “Town of Clinton Democrats.” We also hold (hybrid) meetings at 11 AM on the third Saturday of the month in person at the Masonic Hall on Centre Road and via ZOOM. Join us to meet your neighbors and share your views. You may also sign up on our website to receive our monthly meeting agendas and notification of activities and events organized or supported by our committee.
Please feel free to contact me if I can provide information regarding our community.
Sincerely yours,